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Flood Resources

Vermont’s Forest Action Plan

Mountain Veiw2017 Vermont Forest Action Plan

The Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has the statutory authority to assess the state’s forest resources and guide the department in fulfilling program responsibilities. In addition, the 2008 US Farm Bill required each state to complete a state assessment and develop resource strategies in order to receive funds from the US Forest Service under the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act (CFAA). Funded programs include the Forest Stewardship program, Urban and Community Forestry program, Forest Legacy Administration, Fire Assistance program, and Forest Health Monitoring.

The 2017 Forest Action Plan outlines goals and planned actions designed to meet the desired future forest conditions listed below. The 2017 Plan succeeds the 2010 Vermont Forest Resources Plan - State Assessment and Resource Strategies submitted to the U.S. Forest Service.

As with previous Forest Resources Plans, the 2017 Plan was built on a foundation of partnerships critical to meeting FPR’s vision for the future, including private landowners. FPR looks forward to working with all Vermonters to meet the 2017 Plan goals.

2017 Vermont Forest Action Plan

Plan Components

In addition to the written action plan, we have created an interactive Story Map to further explore the 2017 Plan's components. 

Vermont's 2017 Forest Action Plan's Story Map