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Leases, Licenses and Special Use Permits

ANR lands are generally open to the public without fee or formal authorization for a wide variety of educational, recreational, and other outdoor activities for individuals or small groups. 

However, some activities and events, while legally and environmentally permissible, may alter a site or natural resources or may exclude other public uses for certain periods of time.  For such activities and events, formal written authorization is required so that the Agency may better monitor, control and manage their impact.  Formal written authorization is typically given through Licenses or Special Use Permits (SUP).

When a License or Special Use Permit is Needed

Generally, a license or special use permit is required for use of state land if any of the following criteria apply:

  1. The activity is organized or publicized.
  2. The activity involves a fee charged to participants (Note: guided fishing, hunting, and trapping involving groups of less than ten people on ANR lands does not require a license or special use permit.)
  3. The activity would significantly affect a site or alter/remove/impact natural resources.
  4. The activity may conflict with other established uses.

For more detailed definitions of the specific activities requiring a license or permit, please refer to the Uses of State Lands policy (see in particular Appendix B starting on page 15) and the Rules and Regulations for Visitor Conduct and Fees and Charges for State Park Services and Commercial Activities on Department Lands.


Process for Obtaining a License or Permit

To request a license or special use permit, please begin by filling out the Online Application.

Drone Usage on FPR State Lands

To learn about the rules governing use of drones on state lands owned and managed by the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, please review the FPR Procedure titled Drone Usage on FPR State Lands.


If you have any questions about whether or not a permit is needed for an activity you are planning on ANR lands, you may contact the Forestry District or Parks Regional Office in your region of the state.