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Move Forward Together Vermont

Join the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) to develop Vermont’s Outdoor Recreation vision and priorities!  

Starting in fall 2023, we will collect input from public and private recreation providers, land managers, Vermonters, recreation user groups, and other stakeholders in Vermont’s outdoor recreation economy. 

With this input, we will create a shared vision for Vermont's outdoor recreation future, and a set of priorities and action steps for the next five years. FPR, VOREC and our partners will use these outcomes to guide and support decisions about where to focus energy and resources across the outdoor recreation landscape. 

The process will also culminate in an updated  Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan  and lay the foundation for the next  VOREC Action Plan .

UPDATE: Draft Vision and Priorities 


We are excited to announce that we have developed a Draft Vision and Priority Actions for the future of outdoor recreation in Vermont!

Information about the Draft Vision and Priority Actions and the Outreach Results is now available on our website.

If you prefer to read about the work in narrative form, you can download the Draft Vision and Priority Actions .

Public Engagement Launch Webinar

FPR and VOREC held a webinar on July 2, 2024 to launch public input on the Draft Vision and Priority Actions. The webinar reviewed the Move Forward Together Vermont process to date and introduced the Draft Vision and Priority Actions. Time for participants to ask questions was held at the end of the webinar. 

Watch the recording! 

Feedback Opportunities

You can provide feedback in multiple ways:

Join us in-person:

  • Monday, July 15: 5:30-7:00 pm, Southern Vermont Open House, Manchester Community Library (138 Cemetery Ave, Manchester Center, VT)
  • Wednesday, July 17: 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Northern Vermont Open House, Johnson Elementary School (57 College Hill Rd, Johnson, VT)

Join a webinar:

Fill in the Online Feedback Form:

The form will be available through July 31, 2024. 

Online Feedback Form


Visit the Move Forward Together Vermont website to learn more about our process.