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Recreation Grants

The role of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Outdoor Recreation Grant Administration Staff is to practice and promote high-quality stewardship of Vermont's environment by providing and promoting outdoor recreational funding opportunities, building partnerships, and providing leadership to address Vermont's recreational resource needs. Grant coordination occurs between federal, state, and municipal entities, and local organizations to ensure strong resource support for public recreation and park development throughout Vermont.

Grant Programs: 

Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) Community Grant Program: This grant program is intended to fund community projects that leverage outdoor recreation, which VOREC defines as leisure, sport and therapeutic recreation activities pursued outdoors, mainly in a natural setting. 

  • Eligible applicants: Municipalities and non-profit organizations
  • Grant amounts: Grant amounts: Depends on grant track – No match required
  • Current status: 2023 Recipients Announced
  • Funding source: one-time State General funds

Land & Water Conservation Fund: This fund supports the development of public outdoor recreation opportunities across Vermont, with a focus on creating parks and open spaces, enhancing recreation areas and facilities, and protecting wilderness areas and forests.

  • Eligible applicants: Municipal entities, tribal governments, and state agencies only (e.g. towns, cities, school districts, water districts, park districts, etc.)
  • Grant amounts: TBD – 50% match required
  • Current status: Accepting Pre-Applications through December 13, 2024
  • Funding source: National Park Service funds

Recreational Trails Program: This grant program provides annual funding to Vermont communities for the development and restoration of public recreational trails.

  • Eligible applicants: Municipalities, non-profit organizations, and other governmental entities
  • Grant amounts: $50,000 maximum with no minimum – 20% match required
  • Current status: The 2025 grant round is now closed. Pre-applications were due December 6, 2024.
  • Funding source: Federal Highway Administration funds

Enhancement of Recreation Stewardship and Access (ERSA) Trail Grants: ERSA Trail Grants were one-time awards intended to fund projects that enhanced the stewardship and accessibility of trails across Vermont.

General Resources

Grant Administration Contact

If you have questions about the outdoor recreation grants, please email us at

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