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Flood Resources

Sentinel Rock State Park

Westmore, Orleans County 356 Acres

Sentinel Rock State Park, Westmore

General Description: Sentinel Rock State Park, located in the Town of Westmore in northeastern Vermont, contains 356 acres of land. It is approximately 1.5 miles northeast of Lake Willoughby and is situated along the flank of a ridge that descends gradually northwest from Bald Mountain. In 1997, the Wright family generously donated the Sentinel Rock Farm property to the State of Vermont.

Unique Features: A portion of a boulder near the Sentinel Rock glacial erratic was removed and used for rock foundations of the McLaughlin farm around 1890. The “plug and feather” drill marks are still visible around the edges of the boulder. The property offers sweeping views of Westmore and the Green Mountains.

Recreation Overview: Sentinel Rock State Park remains open to traditional recreational uses of the property, including, but not limited to scenic viewing, educational pursuits, hunting, and trapping. In partnership with the Northwoods Stewardship Center, trails originating from the home site allow visitors to walk through the field, into the forest, and to The Rock. 

Planning Overview:

Sentinel Rock State Park is one of the more recent acquisitions that have also had its LRMP written and approved.  The plan was adopted and approved by Commissioner Sarah Clark in July of 2010.  

Additional Information:

Any questions about this unit? Please contact: St. Johnsbury District Office  802-751-0110