Vermont is proud to celebrate over 25 years of the Americans with Disability Act. We have some great places to see, and some good information for accessibility resources!
The Statewide Independent Living Council has a tool for visitors who are traveling here for outdoor recreation but want to find great accessible amenities reviewed by their peers.
Vermont ADA Map Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports
Vermont Center for Independent Living
Vermont State Lands
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources believes that people with mobility disabilities are equally entitled to all rights and privileges of anyone else who seeks the values from recreational use of their public lands. We make every effort to provide reasonable accomodations in our policies, practices and procedures to allow people with mobility disabilities access to state lands.In general, wheelchairs, as defined in our policy below, are allowed anywhere that foot travel is allowed, at the user's discretion. In addition, people with mobility disabilities may choose a power driven mobility device which can range from a personal vehicle to an ATV to a Segway-type device. ANR staff have assessed our state land travel routes, and can provide information on where to use these mobility devices for hunting and other recreational uses.
Use of Mobility Devices on State Lands (ANR Policy)
Other Power Driven Mobility Device User Pass (Web-based Form)
Other Power Driven Mobility Device State Lands Map* (NOTE: many roads and trails are gated for resource protection. Please contact the district offices for more information)
Multiple roads are closed due to damage from severe flooding in the summer of 2023 and 2024 and are impassable. Please visit the FPR Road Closures page before filling in the Other Power Driven Mobility Device User Pass Form to confirm that the roads you plan to use are undamaged.