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Worcester Range Management Unit

Middlesex, Waterbury, Worcester - Washington County Elmore, Stowe - Lamoille County 18,772 acres

This Management Unit is comprised of the following units:

Locator Map

Planning Overview:

A new long-range management plan for the Worcester Range Management Unit was adopted on September 26, 2024. 

Non-Discrimination Notice:

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) operates its programs, services, and activities without discriminating on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, place of birth, disability, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or breastfeeding (mother and child). NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION AVIS DE   NON-DISCRIMINATION ǀ गैर-भेदभावको सूचना    ǀ AVISO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN ǀ 无歧 公告     ǀ OBAVEŠTENJE O  NEDISKRIMINACIJI ǀ УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ О НЕДОПУЩЕНИИ ДИСКРИМИНАЦИИ ǀ THÔNG BÁO KHÔNG PHÂN BIỆT ĐỐI XỬǀ 差別禁止に関する 通知 ǀ አድልዎ እንዳይደረግ የተሰጠ ማስታወቂያǀ  OBAVIJEST O NEDISKRIMINACIJI | ခွဲခြားဆက်ဆံမှုမပြုရေး ကြေညာချက် | WARGELINTA BILAA TAKOORKA | TAARIFA  YA KUTOBAGUA ǀ  عدم التمييزإخطار   Notice of Nondiscrimination | Agency of Natural Resources (


Language Access Notice:

Questions or Complaints/Free Language Services ǀ SERVICES LINGUISTIQUES GRATUITS | भाषासम्बन्धी नि:शुल्क सेवाहरू ǀ SERVICIOS GRATUITOS DE IDIOMAS ǀ 免費語言服務 | BESPLATNE JEZIČKE USLUGE ǀ БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ УСЛУГИ ПЕРЕВОДА | DỊCH VỤ NGÔN NGỮ MIỄN PHÍ ǀ 無料通訳サービス ǀ ነጻ የቋንቋ አገልግሎቶች | HUDUMA ZA MSAADA WA LUGHA BILA MALIPO | BESPLATNE JEZIČKE USLUGE | အခမဲ့ ဘာသာစကား ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများ | ADEEGYO LUUQADA AH OO BILAASH AH  ǀ خدمات لغة مجانية: or 802-636-7827. Language Services | Agency of Natural Resources (