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Acceptable Management Practices

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Image removed.The 1986 Vermont Legislature passed amendments to Vermont's water quality statutes, Title 10 VSA Chapter 47: Water Pollution Control, which stated that "it is the policy of the state to seek over the long term to upgrade the quality of waters and to reduce existing risks to water quality." The revised state law requires permits for discharges of "any waste, substance or material into the waters of the state." However, individual permits are not required for any discharges that inadvertently result from logging operations, if responsible management practices have been followed to protect water quality. Acceptable Management Practices (AMPs) for Maintaining Water Quality on Logging Jobs in Vermont were developed and adopted as rules for Vermont's water quality statutes and became effective in 1987 and were subsequently revised effective August 11, 2018 AMPs are intended and designed to prevent sediment, petroleum products, and woody debris (logging slash) from entering Vermont’s waters.


Flood 2024 Information:

If your property has been impacted by this July’s flooding, you can find resources at the Forest Flood Resource page


Check out this quick 3 minute video about the importance of the AMPs and doing our part to help keep Lake Champlain clean.

You can view a Webinar about the AMPs at this link: Water in the Woods, a summary of VT's AMPs

Make sure you have the new AMP Manual! 

The AMP manual is now available and there has been a second printing so there are plenty available. You can pick one up at your local Forests, Parks and Recreation office or download a pdf here: AMP Manual.pdf

If you have any questions regarding the manual, or the AMP rules, please contact the Watershed Forester Dave Wilcox at 802-793-0265.

The AMPs are now available as an App on your smart phone or tablet!

This new App puts the AMP manual on your phone and includes an AMP mapping tool, quick references, a clinometer tool, and an AMP cost calculator to estimate implementation costs across a job. 

Go to the App Store or Google Play and search "Vermont AMP" and you can download the new App for FREE! 

You can view a Webinar about the new AMP App at this link: Get the App: A Virtual Tour of VT's New AMP App

You can view more information about the App Here: AMP APP FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

AMP Assistance:


Information on Temporary Bridge Rentals

Details on Bridge Designs

Annual Statewide Summary Reports