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Rock and Ice Climbing

Image removed.You know we have some great mountains in Vermont, and with mountains, come cliffs and rocks. And with cliffs and rocks, come rock and ice climbers. On FPR managed lands, we welcome responsible climbing, and are in the process of crafting a new policy. The following guidelines will ensure that your climb will be good for you and the natural environment:
Defacing rock faces by chipping, chiseling, sculpting, gluing/epoxying of holds, etc. is prohibited.
Excessive scrubbing or cleaning of established climbing routes is prohibited. Cleaning of individual holds is permitted.
Trees should be avoided as anchors.  If a tree must be used as an anchor, padding should be used to prevent the rope, sling or chain from damaging the tree. 
Climbers should use “leave no trace” practices and take care to minimize their impact on the environment. If you carry it in, then carry it out.
Established trails should be used to access climbing areas. Do not create additional or new trails without authorization from the managing department. 
Do not climb in areas that are known to contain important nesting habitat and/or harbor rare, threatened, or endangered species. Obey posted climbing restrictions such as seasonal or temporary closures, or other similar restrictions. 
For those who want to get vertical, here are some popular rock and ice climbing locations:
Note: Some cliffs may be closed seasonally to protect peregrine falcon nesting sites.
If you are a commercial outfitter looking to lead rock climbing trips on state land, click here to learn more about commercial use licenses.
Learn more and help out: CRAG-VT