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2023 Vermont Forest Health Meeting

2023 Vermont Forest Health Information Meeting
April 19, 2023

Judd Hall on the campus of Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT
Information on individual talks, as well as directions, can be found here.

There is no cost associated with this meeting, but we are asking people to pre-register by April 10th - Link to registration.  Coffee will be provided for the meeting, but food will not – please bring lunch with you.

We have a great program for you this year!  

What can a Fire Warden do about a neighbor that always complains about smoke from a legal burn? 

Submitted by john.sears@ver… on

Verify the burner is not violating any conditions of the permit. Encourage burner to monitor wind conditions that could bring smoke onto neighbor's property.  Fire Wardens may add special conditions to the permit to reduce smoke issues for the neighbor.  Neighbor disputes can be difficult.  Try to remain impartial and consistent.  Involving the Town Health Officer may be helpful.  

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