Sheffield, Sutton, and Wheelock; Caledonia County 788 Acres
General Description: Mathewson State Forest lies between the Sutton-Wheelock Road and Town Farm Road. The parcel is managed for timber resources and wildlife habitat. Nine open fields cover 14 acres of the forest; many of these fields are associated with historical homesteads and contain apple trees.
Unique Features: This State Forest contains a number of well-preserved cellar holes, which were used by the Mathewson's among other families.
Recreation Overview: Mathewson State Forest contains plentiful opportunities for dispersed recreational activities such as hunting white-tailed deer, black bear, ruffed grouse, snowshoe hare and wild turkey, trapping beaver and other fur-bearers, bushwhacking, and wildlife watching. The Class IV road that travels through the property is used as a snowmobile trail in winter. It is also open to vehicular access in the summer. The woods roads are used for hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking. Mathewson State Forest is open to primitive camping.
Planning Overview: The original long range management plan for Mathewson State Forest was written in 1984. In 2012, an update for the plan began and Mathewson State Forest was added to the Heights Management Unit. The planning process for The Heights Management Unit is ongoing.
- Link to The Heights Management Unit
- Link to original Mathewson State Forest LRMP
- Link to The Heights Management Unit draft LRMP
Additional Information: In 2014, the "Goldbaum Sale" was marked. This timber sale covers approximately 40 acres of the southern portion of the parcel and is designed to thin the forest and increase growth of native species. Work on the sale began in January 2018 and was completed in the Spring of 2019.
Any questions about this parcel? Please contact: St. Johnsbury District Office 802-751-0110