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Meet the Team

Learn about and connect with the staff in the Division of Forests.

​Oliver Pierson, Director of Forestry

Oliver Pierson joined FPR in 2023 and has worked for ANR since 2019. Prior to joining ANR, Oliver worked for US federal government agencies for twenty years on a variety of sustainable forest management, watershed protection, and renewable energy programs in Africa and the United States. He received a M.S. in Natural Resources Ecology and Management from Cornell University and a B.S. in Geology and Environmental Studies from Yale University. In his spare time, Oliver enjoys hanging out with his family in Vermont’s woods (preferably on skis or a bike), playing music, paddling small watercraft, and brewing beer. Phone: 802-505-505-3563 Email:

Division Services

Al Freeman, Climate Forester 

Al Freeman, Climate Forester

Al joined FPR in 2024 and is also a PhD candidate at the University of Vermont where she is finishing her dissertation focused on the intersection of adaptive silviculture, climate change, and ecophysiology. Originally from Kansas, she holds a BS in biology from the University of Kansas, and an MS in Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution from Oklahoma State University. She will serve as the technical expert on climate adaptation and forest carbon dynamics and will continue to advance the Division’s response to climate impacts on forests and forest management. In the winter, Al can be found cross country skiing and skating on local ponds and rivers and kayaking on those same waters in the summer with her partner and her dog, Rufio. She also enjoys woodworking and making mediocre pottery. Phone: 802-461-6679  Email:


Megan Davin, Communication & Outreach Specialist Megan Davin standing with Smokey Bear

Megan Davin holds a BA in Communication from St. Michael's College and an MS in Environmental Studies Communication from Green Mountain College. As a skier, biker, runner, mom, and gardener, she is passionate about sharing stories that emphasize the outdoors. Driven by a profound connection with nature, Megan is committed to maximizing her time outdoors. Her mission is to highlight the interconnectedness of all elements within our natural landscape, fostering appreciation and protection for our cherished places. Phone: 802-261-7575 Email:

Kat Janiga, Administrative Services CoordinatorKat Janiga, headshot

Kat Janiga joined FPR in 2024. Before joining the Forestry division, she worked as the Head Adult Librarian at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library and the Adult Programming and Outreach Coordinator at the Burnham Memorial Library. Kat holds a BA in Honours History from the University of Waterloo. Outside of work, you can find her with her nose in a book or baking delicious treats. Phone: 802-461-5736 Email:

Administrative Services and Offices

In addition to providing public assistance and general office management, the Administrative Services team provides extensive support to divisions and programs within the Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation. At both a district and state-wide level, the team is engaged in diverse projects and has ample knowledge in all things FPR. Please call in advance about any existing appointments, to request one, or to make other arrangements to conduct necessary business. Please see the map of district offices and the areas they cover (Map of offices - PDF).

Montpelier Office

1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 • Montpelier, VT 05620-3801

802-828-1531 (mainline) | 802-828-1250 (fax) map

Jenny Lauer, Administrative Services Manager 

When not helping to keep the forestry division organized, Jenny enjoys reading, playing board games, taking walks outside, visiting museums and historical sites, and traveling as much as possible!

Contact: 802-461-6957,


Barre Office - District 4

5 Perry Street, Suite 20 • Barre, VT 05641-4265

802-476-0170 (mainline) | 802-476-0129 (fax) | map

Lisa Wright, Administrative Services Coordinator  

Lisa has been with FPR since 2004 and with ANR since 1992. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, biking, yoga, cooking, reading, volunteering with church outreach programs, and spending time with her grandchildren.

Contact: 802-476-0170,

Essex Office - District 3  Catherine Todd smiling

111 West Street • Essex Jct., VT 05452-4695  

802-879-6565 (mainline) | 802-878-5192 (fax) | map

Catherine Todd, Administrative Services Coordinator 

Catherine joined the department in 2023 and has a passion for the outdoors and sharing the joy found there with others.  In her free time she enjoys fly fishing, camping, skiing, and playing in the garden with her kids.

Rutland Office - District 2

271 North Main Street, Suite 215 • Rutland, VT 05701-2423

802-786-0060 (mainline) | map

Lesley PorterAdministrative Services Coordinator 

Lesley joined FPR full-time in 2016 after ten years as a seasonal with the parks division. Lesley began her current role with forestry in 2021. She enjoys hiking, kayaking, campfires, disc golf, and snowshoeing. Lesley also serves on the Eastern Area Complex Incident Management Team.

Contact: 802-505-8328,

Saint Johnsbury Office - District 5

374 Emerson Falls Road, Suite 4 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

802-751-0110 (mainline) | 802-748-6687 (fax) | map

Ellen Hinman, Administrative Services Coordinator

Ellen has been with FPR since 1995. When she's not at work she enjoys hiking, tent camping, snowshoeing, gardening, birding, and coaching Caledonia Special Olympics athletes.

Contact: 802-751-0123,

Springfield Office - District 1

100 Mineral Street, Suite 304, Springfield, VT  05156-3168

802-289-0613 | map

Melissa Currier, Administrative Services Coordinator

Melissa has been working with FPR since 1985. During her downtime, Melissa enjoys baking and reading.

Contact: 802-289-0613,

Forest Protection

The Forest Protection team is responsible for delivering the Wildland Fire program and the Forest Health program. 

The Wildland Fire team  provides expertise, assistance and training to Vermont towns and fire fighters related to wildland fire. The team monitors weather and fire danger daily during the active season, oversees the Town Forest Fire Wardens promoting responsible burning and fire prevention, and delivers trainings to Vermont fire fighters through the Vermont Fire Academy and fire department trainings.

The Forest Health team monitors tree and forest stressors including insects, diseases and invasive plants to understand the impacts on tree conditions and other ecosystem features. They guide management through prevention, early detection and integrated management of stressors. 

Kathy Decker, Forest Protection Program Manager | St. Johnsbury Office

Kathy joined the department in 1998 as a temporary employee with the Forest Biology Lab providing diagnostic services and support. After holding several positions within the Department, Kathy now oversees the Forest Protection Team. Kathy has degrees in both forestry and plant pathology and has a propensity to be looking up continually evaluating the trees. She enjoys skiing in the winter, biking and gardening in the summer and taking pictures year-round.

Contact: 802-473-0007,

Forest Health

Josh Halman, Forest Health Lead | Essex Office

Josh joined the department in 2015 as a Forest Health Specialist.  Prior to his work with FPR, he received his Ph.D. in Natural Resources from UVM after studying the impacts of environmental disturbance on northern hardwood forests.  Outside of work, Josh enjoys fly fishing, playing the mandolin, and hiking with his family.

Contact: 802-279-9999,


Savannah Ferreira, Forest Health Specialist | Randolph Lab

Savannah joined the department as a forest pathologist in 2020 and runs our Forest Biology Lab at the Vermont Agriculture and Environmental Laboratory in Randolph. Savannah earned her bachelor’s degree in forestry from the University of Maine, where she focused her research efforts on documenting eastern white pine compartmentalization response to a native fungal pathogen.  After graduating, Savannah completed her master’s degree in plant pathology at West Virginia University. While there, her research focused on several fungal pathogens of oak and determining their contributions to oak-decline across the Mid-Atlantic region.

Contact: 802-505-8259,


Julia Pupko smiling holding a blue jay

Julia Pupko, Forestry Specialist Randolph Lab

Julia Pupko is an ecologist and entomology-lover. Since graduating from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science, they have been immersed in forest health, outreach, entomology (focused on lady beetles), and community-based reforestation and agroforestry efforts. Julia joined FPR in 2023 after working for the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative and serving as the Community Science Outreach Naturalist for the Vermont Center for Ecostudies through ECO Americorps.  Julia currently works as a Forest Specialist at the FOrest Biology Lab and volunteers for Sosyete pou Rebwaze Duchity, Haiti (SRDH) in a number of roles. In their spare time, Julia enjoys bird watching, searching for insects, making art, collaborating on community-based projects, and listening to lots of podcasts. 

Contact: 802-505-3720,


Andrew HirschProtection Forester | Springfield Office Andrew Hirsch, Protection Forester headshot


Andrew joined the department in 2022 as a Forestry Specialist. Prior to starting his work with FPR, he  earned his bachelor’s and master’s degree in forestry from West Virginia University where he focused on dendroclimatology and hourly stem fluctuations in response to radial release treatments in the Sierra Nevada and implemented long-term studies around the WVU research forest. Since then, he has worked as a consulting forester, sugarmaker, and trail builder in VT. Outside of work, you can find him on the water, on the slopes, in the woodshop, gardening, playing guitar, and spending time outdoors with his family. Contact: 802-461-6804, 


Lars Lund, Protection Forester Rutland Office

Lars has been with the department since 1997. Outside of work he's a home improvement enthusiast and dedicated volunteer knee-bending ski patroller at Mount Snow and a volunteer firefighter. 

Contact: 802-777-4188,


Liam Farley

Liam Farley, Protection Forester | Essex Office

Liam joined the department in 2023.  When he is not at work he enjoys going on adventures with his family, hiking, woodworking, gardening and home improvements. 

Contact:  802-793-1467


Chloe Sardonis, Protection Forester | Barre Office

Chloe joined the department in 2021 after completing her Forestry degree atChloe Sardonis the University of Vermont. Growing up in central Vermont, Chloe spent her childhood exploring and collecting treasures from the woods. She is thrilled to continue that exploration everyday as a Protection Forester where she gets to keep learning about forest health and share her love of the woods with any central Vermonter who will listen. She lives in Brookfield with her partner and small dog where she loves birding, making soup, and driving dirt roads.

Contact: 802-461-8692

Emily Meacham, Protection Forester | St. Johnsbury Office

Emily earned a math degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) before going back to school to earn a forestry degree from UMaine. She has conducted research on post-harvest assessments of downed wood and wound severity as it relates to decay compartmentalization. In addition to her work in the forest health and wildland fire programs, Emily spent many years conducting timber harvests and road construction - which she still enjoys today. When not at work, Emily spends her time backyard and skate skiing; farming ducks, chickens, maple, and apples with her husband; and hiking/running in the white mountains.

Contact: 802-595-0169,

Noah Hoffman, Invasive Species Coordinator | Essex Office Noah Hoffman

Noah’s career has involved public outreach, communication, and education in a number of roles. Prior to joining the department, Noah spent several years teaching science in Vermont public schools. Originally from the Adirondack mountains of New York State, Noah graduated from Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina, before moving to Vermont. Outside of work, he enjoys woodworking, fly fishing, and hiking with his family and his dogs. Contact:, 802-636-7339

Wildland Fire

Dan Dillner, Forest Fire Supervisor | Northwestern Vermont Dillner

Dan joined the department in 1988. He enjoys paddling, fishing, woodworking, and hunting. For those who follow the fire danger rating, you'll recognize Dan's name - he's the lead behind the scenes monitoring and posting the daily rating.

Contact: 802-777-3079,


Devin Healy, Wildland Fire Specialist | Northeastern VermontHealy

Devin is the Wildland Fire Specialist for Northeastern Vermont focused on training. He covers Lamoille, Washington, Orange, Caledonia, Essex and Orleans counties. Devin has extensive experience in delivering fire trainings and wildland fire response as he worked Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation in Montana where he served as a helicopter manager and forester. In his down time, he enjoys hiking, hunting and spending time with his family. 

Contact: 802-917-2555,


ZaengleKelsey Zaengle, Wildland Fire Specialist | Southern Vermont

Kelsey is the Wildland Fire Specialist for Southern Vermont focused on prevention. She covers Rutland, Bennington, Windsor and Windham counties. She has 10 years of experience with Wildland fire  having previously worked with the US Forest Service in New Hampshire, Oregon and Vermont. In her spare time she enjoys snowboarding, mountain biking and homesteading. 

Contact: 802-917-2241,


Private Lands

Eighty percent of Vermont’s forest is owned by individuals and families.  The clean water, clean air, carbon storage and sequestration, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, sawtimber, firewood, and other benefits our forests provide largely come from privately owned land.  The Private Lands Program helps connect private landowners, forest enthusiasts, and communities with the tools they need to maintain healthy forests.   County foresters help landowners and communities manage their forests by providing on-the-ground technical assistance and promoting forest stewardship through outreach and educational opportunities.  They also administer the forestland elements of the Use Value Appraisal program supporting the enrollment and management of nearly 16,000 parcels with 2,000,000 acres of forest Regional leads support and coordinate program efforts and the work of county foresters to meet program goals in the north, central, and southern regions of the state and collaborate with the Private Lands Program Manager on statewide efforts.  The regional leads also serve as county foresters. County Forester Service Areas 

Keith Thompson
, Private Lands Program Manager | Montpelier Office

Keith joined FPR in 2011. When he's not working he enjoys fishing with his son, exploring deep woods, and sitting by a fire.

Contact: 802-498-5169,


Linda Jacobs, Administrative Assistant  | White River Junction Office

Linda has been with FPR since 2010. She enjoys taking walks, reading, knitting, watching her grandchildren's sporting events, and playing cribbage and scrabble with her husband.

Contact: 802-281-5262,



Anna Maziarz Program Technician II | St. Johnsbury Office Anna Maziarz outside in winter

Anna joined the team in 2023. She enjoys skiing, biking, hiking, and many other of the outdoor recreational activities Vermont has to offer alongside her dogs and family., 802-505-1839 


Kylee ZuraPrivate Lands Program Technician | Kylee Head Shot

Kylee joined the Private Lands Team in FPR in 2021. When not working, she enjoys being outside with her family doing things like snowshoeing, tending a campfire, swimming, and exploring. , 802-661-8909


County Foresters

Brandon Benedict, County Forester | Essex Office

Brandon grew up in New York, earned a BS degree in Dietetics and Personal Training, then worked as a ProgramBrandon Benedict Educator/Nutritionist with Cornell Cooperative Extension.   He later returned to school and earned a Master of Forestry degree from SUNY ESF and has worked with distinction as a Forest Inventory and Analysis Forester in South Carolina since June 2021.  Brandon also worked as a Forestry Technician on SUNY-ESF Forest Properties, where he collected forest inventory data from continuous forest inventory plots using purpose built software and assisted with Timber Sale marking. In his free time Brandon enjoys hiking, photography, cooking, and spending time with his family. County Forester Service Areas Contact:, 802-261-7179

Hannah Dallas, County Forester | White River Junction Office

Hannah joined the department in 2016. Outside of work, she enjoys gardening, cross-country skiing, knitting, and hiking. County Forester Service Areas. Contact:, 802-622-4169


AJ Follensbee, County Forester | Barre Office

AJ joined the department in 2012. When he's not at work he enjoys snowboarding, hiking with his dogs, and home brewing. County Forester Service Areas

Contact:, 802-595-2429


Charlie Hancock, County Forester | Essex Office Charlie Hancock headshot

Charlie has worked in forestry since receiving undergraduate degrees in Forestry and Recreation Management from the School of Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Prior becoming a county forester with FPR, Charlie ran a forestry consulting business serving clients across northern Vermont, and before that worked as an operations forester in the Adirondack region of New York. In addition to his work as a licensed forester, Charlie is co-founder and President of Cold Hollow to Canada, a community-based regional conservation partnership located in the Northern Greens. Charlie has also served as chairman of the Montgomery Selectboard since 2016, sits on the Vermont League of Cities and Towns Board of Directors, has served on the Working Lands Enterprise Board, and is a former trustee of the Vermont Land Trust. For the last ten years Charlie has also worked as a Mountain Ambassador for Jay Peak Resort. County Forester Service Areas Contact:, 802-917-2711

Dan Healey, County Forester | White River Junction Office Dan Healey headshot

Dan has worked in the forest since 2002, when he took a summer job on a trail crew in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Soon after, he began felling trees for a cut-to-length logging operation in Vermont. Since then, Dan has remained in the forestry sector logging, controlling invasive plants, doing small custom harvest jobs, and eventually shifting his focus to consulting forestry. Through consulting, Dan has worked for private landowners, municipalities and conservation organizations. He enjoys connecting and educating people around forest management, stewardship and conservation.Outside of his work, Dan enjoys time with his family, traditional crafts and spending time outside.  County Forester Service Areas Contact:, 802-480-1801

Matt Langlais, County Foreste| St. Johnsbury Office

Matt works hard to check off every box on the outdoor life bingo card--pedaling on trails, gravel and road, birding and bird hunting, hiking and pursuing canisters on trail-less peaks, canoeing, Nordic and backcountry skiing, fishing, and managing a Christmas tree farm. He joined the department in 1999. County Forester Service Areas

Contact:, 802-535-8486


Tessa McGann, County Forester | Rutland OfficeTessa McGann

Tessa got her start with FPR as a park interpreter in 2018. She then stepped away for a few years to learn and work in the field of forestry before returning in 2023. Aside from all things forests, Tessa loves reading in hammocks, swimming, and cooking for friends. County Forester Service Areas Contact:, 802-505-1579 


Robert Nelson, County Forester Barre Office

For his entire life, Robert has thought of the wonderfully diverse forests of all parts of the Appalachian Mountains as his most beautiful home. Further, he thinks that the people that live, use, and find meaning in those forests are extremely important.

He delights in looking for the good in the people that are part of that forest and is always pleased when he finds that good. He finds much good in both the forests and the people of Vermont, and Washington County. County Forester Service AreasPhoto of Robert Nelson

Contact: Robert.Nelson@vermont.gov802-636-7203


Jared Nunery, County Forester/Northern Region Lead | Craftsbury, Sterling College

Jared has a particular interest in helping Vermonters connect with the land, and develop their own land ethic. He enjoys working with local schools in Orleans County, and getting youth excited about being in the woods and caring for the land. When he's not working he enjoys being outside with his children, skiing in the winter; and camping, canoeing, and running in the summer. Jared joined the department in 2012. County Forester Service Areas

Contact:, 802-595-5754



David Paganelli, County Forester/Central Region Lead  | White River Junction Office 

Dave has been with the department since 1989. When he's not in the woods for work, he's working at his tree farm, gardening, or snowshoeing. County Forester Service Areas  

Contact:, 802-461-5304


Emily PotterLamoille County Forester | Barre OfficeWoman outdoors

Emily has been with FPR since 2012. She enjoys swimming, running, hiking, boating, fishing, xc skiing, walking in the woods with her dog, and spending time with family and friends.

County Forester Service Areas Contact:, 802-622-4230



Mark Raishart, County Forester | Rutland Office 

Mark lives in Leicester on a 68-acre farm and forest with his wife and three children, where he manages a 500-tap Mark Raishart headshot family sugaring operation and practices exemplary forest stewardship. His forest was recognized as the 2024 Vermont Outstanding Tree Farm. Mark brings valuable experience from his previous role as the Forest Program Specialist with the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board's Farm and Forest Viability Program. Before that, he spent 13 years as the Forestry and Natural Resources Instructor at the Stafford Technical Center in Rutland, where he became known as an engaging speaker and natural teacher. Mark holds an M.S. degree in Environmental Studies from Green Mountain College, is a trained sawyer, having completed Game of Logging levels 1-4, and is a Vermont licensed forester. In his free time, Mark enjoys camping with his family in Vermont and the Adirondacks, working together on their land, and exploring new places. County Forester Service Areas Contact: , 802-522-9510


Sam Schneski, County Forester/Southern Region Lead | Springfield Office

Sam joined the department in 2006 with a B.S. in Parks and Recreation Management from UMaine, Orono and an M.S. in Forestry from Umass Amherst. When not at work he enjoys spending time with his family, making maple syrup, hunting, fishing, anything having to do with running a chainsaw, building things from scratch, woodworking, and spending time at the lake. County Forester Service Areas

Contact:, 802-380-8916



Watershed Forestry

The Watershed Forestry Program provides assistance to managers of forestland, both public and private, to promote the implementation of practices that support and maintain the capacity of forests to produce clean water.  The program provides technical assistance related to the Acceptable Management Practices, enforces the State’s water quality rules related to timber harvesting, and administers the Heavy Cutting Law.

Dave Wilcox, Watershed Forester | Montpelier Office

Dave spends as much time as he can on his family's tree farm cutting wood, maintaining wildlife habitat, and practicing what he preaches at work. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Vermont Woodlands Association and enjoys helping folks understand their woodlands better while promoting a working landscape. When he's not thinking about trees, he enjoys family trips to the ocean and mountains, as well as skiing, riding horses, hunting, and target shooting.

Contact: 802-793-0265,


Rick Dyer, AMP Forester | St. Johnsbury and Barre Offices

Rick likes just about any reason to be outdoors, whether its fixing washed out trails, killing invasive plants, or playing bocce ball. He joined the department in 2014.

Contact: 802-505-5530,

Silas Rainville, Watershed Forestry Specialist | Essex Office

Silas Rainville

Silas comes to FPR from the Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets where he was working as an Agricultural Water Quality Specialist and conducting farm inspections to ensure compliance with Vermont’s Required Agricultural Practices and other relevant water quality regulations. Silas grew up in Northwest Vermont, where he still resides, exploring the local woods and waters. Since graduating from St. Michael's College in 2015, he has worked in logging, habitat restoration, and as a forestry technician for Redstart Forestry. Outside of work, he enjoys fishing, tying flies, hunting, biking, and helping tend to his family's newly established Christmas tree plantation. Contact:, 802-461-3288

Forest Economy Program

Helping to maintain a vibrant forest-based economy and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels are the primary goals of the Forest Economy Program. Vermont's forest-based economy provides employment and supports landowners with the markets for forest products which, in turn, provides the financial returns needed to maintain forests as forests.  Staff provides information & education to a wide range of audiences on the economic and technical aspects of wood availability, harvesting, processing and markets including the use of wood as an energy source.


Katharine smiles while collecting data in a forest.

Katharine Servidio, Forest Economy Program Manager | Montpelier Office

Katharine joined FPR in 2021 after previously working for the Natural Resources Board and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Katharine holds a B.S. in Forestry from the University of Georgia and is a Vermont Licensed Forester and SAF Certified Forester. Her graduate research focused on terrestrial salamanders and trophic interactions in Southern Appalachian forest ecosystems. In her free time, she enjoys sailing and fiber arts.

Contact: 802-636-7804,



Molly Willard, Wood Energy & Forest Product Specialist

Molly joined FPR in 2023 and she works on promoting policy and partnerships in wood energy as well as working supporting markets for the products of forest management. Molly comes to FPR from Vermont Technical College where she served as Director for Working Lands Trainings, Continuing Education and Workforce Development. Outside of work, Molly is a botanist who loves outdoor recreation, particularly biking, skiing, swimming, horseback riding and coaching her girls (she has 2) sports teams whenever she can. Contact: 

State Lands

Forestry’s State Lands team is responsible for the management activities on 360,000 acres of state-owned land in Vermont. This team, led by five district Stewardship Foresters, considers a variety of objectives ranging from the protection of natural resources to public uses of land, within management and the implementation of projects. Each Stewardship Forester facilitates a multi-departmental District Stewardship Team which focuses on best practices, long-range management planning, project planning, public engagement, and decision-making related to state lands. District State Lands Foresters execute forest management, planning, water quality, recreation, and habitat projects on state lands, and on behalf of their District Stewardship Team's Annual Stewardship Plan; while Forest Recreation Specialists focus on maintaining and enhancing our trail systems, recreational opportunities, overseeing recreation-based requests on state lands, and working with partner groups. 

Jim Duncan Profile Picture Jim Duncan, State Lands Manager | Montpelier Office

Jim joined FPR in 2022 after nine years with the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative. Jim received his MS in human-environment geography focused on forestry from Oregon State University, and he seeks to bring people and science together to steward forestland for current and future generations. Outside work, Jim enjoys swimming, skiing, hiking and camping with his wife and kids, growing things, and volunteering in his community.

Contact: 802-636-7554,


Springfield District

Tim Morton, Stewardship Forester

With the department since 1987, Tim enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, exploring wild areas, and playing the drums. He has a particular interest in forest silviculture, establishing diverse young forest growth and adaptive management.

Contact: 802-777-6899,


Aaron Hurst, State Lands Forester

Aaron joined the department in 1999 and he's passionate about implementing land management recommendations to create or improve wildlife habitat. Outside of work, he likes playing with heavy equipment and sawmill when he's not building something or hunting.

Contact: 802-279-8625, 


Brian Renfro, State Lands Forester

Brian has been with the department since 2017. Outside of work he enjoys skiing, sailing, and riding backroads on his motorcycle.

Contact: 802-522-8244,



Barre District

Brad Greenough, Stewardship Forester

Brad has been working on state lands in the Barre District since 1988 and moved into the Stewardship Forester position in 2019. He loves to hunt both in the states and Canada as well as working and hanging out at our camp in Groton with his wife, Ellie, and dog, Leroy.

Contact: 802-595-3143,


Jack O'Wril, State Lands Forester

Jack spends the summer with his family gardening, fishing and starting projects of all kinds (completion is optional); in the winter, they ski, ice fish, and add projects to the master list. He joined the department in 2013.

Contact: 802-272-8604,


Dan Singleton, State Lands Forester

Dan joined the department in 2013. In his free time, he enjoys the outdoors with his family, making maple syrup, turning logs to lumber with his portable mill, and building things. He graduated UVM in 2003 with a B.A. in Wildlife Biology and Minor in Forestry.

Contact: 802-522-3377,


Walter Opuszynski, Outdoor Recreation Specialist

When not on the job, Walter enjoys learning about outer space, outdoor recreation of most varieties, and adventuring with family and friends. He is interested in sustainable trail construction, matching trailhead parking area size to the degree of use, and working with volunteers. Walter joined the department in 2017.

Contact: 802-522-6022,


Essex District

Jason Nerenberg, Stewardship Forester

Jason, or J  to his friends and colleagues, has been with FPR since 2011. Outside of work, he enjoys baking, gardening, and exploring local trails and rivers with his wife and three sons.

Contact: 802-498-4342,


Mike Johnson, State Lands Forester

Mike enjoys spending free time outdoors with his family, camping, gardening, tending fruit trees, canning, working on his 1860s work-in-progress house, and tinkering on projects in the shop. He joined the department in 1992.

Contact: 802-373-2173,


Matt Leonard, State Lands Forester

Matt is an avid outdoorsman and sports enthusiast. When not working, he enjoys family vacations and adventures, hunting, fishing, hockey, skiing, soccer, mountain biking, hiking, and cooking. His passion and love of forestry is rooted in the art and science of silviculture, "boots on the ground" implementation of responsible forest management.

Contact: 802-279-1371,


Kathryn Wrigley, Outdoor Recreation Specialist

Kathryn's academic background in ecology, conservation, forestry, and wildlife biology combined with her love of recreation have coalesced in a passion to more fully understand the intersection of people and public land. She's particularly interested in learning more about what drives human behavior in public natural spaces. In her free time, Kathryn enjoys hiking, gravel rides, backcountry skiing, reading, and writing letters to friends. She joined FPR in 2018.

Contact: 802-871-0535,


Rutland District 

Kyle Mason, Stewardship Forester

Kyle has been with the department since 2000. When not at work he enjoys disc golf, hunting, canoeing, and being outside with his kids. 

Contact: 802-595-9736,


A photo of forester Ethan Crumley standing at the site of a timber saleEthan Crumley, State Lands Forester

Ethan joined the department in 2013 with degrees in Forestry from SUNY ESF. When he's not at work he enjoys hiking, hunting, maple sugaring, and spending time with family.

Contact: 802-585-0763,


Saint Johnsbury District

Lou Bushey, Stewardship Forester

Outside of work, Lou enjoys biking, hockey, waterfowl hunting, and fishing. He holds a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from the University of Vermont and an M.S. in Natural Resource Management and Administration from Antioch University. He joined the department in 1999.

Contact: 802-535-8410,


Scott Machinist, State Lands Forester

Scott studied forestry and the University of Maine and enjoys fishing, fly tying, swimming and gardening. He joined the department in 2014.

Contact: 802-473-0053,



Paul Szwedo, State Lands ForesterPaul working in the woods

Paul earned a Masters Degree in Forestry from the University of Maine, Orono, where his research focused on "Forest  Sampling, Prescription, and Harvest Operations of Expanding Gap Silvicultural Systems in Central Maine".  Paul has special interests in silviculture and forest biometrics.  Prior to his work with the state, Paul worked as a Graduate Research Assistant and a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Maine Orono, and as a forester at the USFS Penobscot Experimental Forest.  

When Paul is not in the woods, he is busy on his family's farm where he raises beef, lamb, pastured poultry, hay, and organic vegetables with his wife and son.

Contact: 802-917-4116,


Luke O'Brien, Outdoor Recreation Specialist

Luke is interested in the natural and cultural history of the Northeast and exploring the small towns, deep woods, and backwaters of the region. When not at work you'll find him hiking, hunting, backcountry skiing, canoeing, and working in the woods.

Contact: 802-622-4258,


Urban and Community Forestry

The Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program leads community members, municipalities, businesses, and government in stewarding the long-lasting value of public trees and the places they create. Designed to help municipalities plant, plan, and care for their community trees, the program provides technical, educational, and financial assistance to over 175 Vermont towns, cities, non-profits, private landowners, and outdoor stewards. Learn more at

Elise headshotElise Schadler, Urban & Community Forestry Program Manager Essex and Montpelier Offices

Elise has been with the Urban & Community Forestry Program since 2012, first out of UVM Extension and then transitioning to FPR in 2018.  With roots in the Midwest, she immediately fell for Vermont's landscape, people, and ethos when she moved here to pursue her M.S. in Natural Resource Management from the University of Vermont.  Outside of work, she enjoys gardening, hiking, running, yoga, and spending time at the neighborhood beach on Lake Champlain with her husband and two young children. 

Contact: 802-522-6015,


Joanne Garton, Community Forestry Technical Assistance Coordinator Montpelier Office

Joanne holds a B.Scs. in geology and architecture from McGill University and is a 2015 graduate of the Field Naturalist and Ecological Planning M.Sc. program at the University of Vermont. When not monitoring trees in Vermont community spaces, find Joanne enjoying the quaint life of downtown Montpelier or playing fiddle with her band at concerts and contra dances around New England. 

Contact: 802-249-4217,


Adam McCullough, Urban Forester Montpelier OfficeAdam

Adam grew up in Montpelier, Vermont and fell in love with trees at a young age, fascinated by climbing them and by their biology. He has extensive experience with hands-on conservation work and especially tree work, and has applied those skills to create meaningful outdoor experiences for Youth at Risk throughout Vermont's woods. .Adam's focus is on innovative tree installations in densely built urban environments that will maximize benefits for the community members that need them the most. 

Contact: 802-522-5104,