Forest Fire Warden Training
2025 Fire Department & Fire Warden Spring Training Webinars
Topics: Review of last year’s fire season, how to request FPR resources, safe and effective response, and opportunities to further training and development of wildland firefighters.
Register as an individual or a whole department.
Thursday, March 6th 7:00pm-9:00PM (click to register)
Monday, March 10th 7:00pm-9:00PM (click to register)
Wednesday, March 12th 7:00pm-9:00PM (click to register)
Tuesday, March 18th 7:00pm-9:00PM (click to register)
2024 Fire Summary:
Below is the link to the warden meeting training from 2024
Vermont Forest Fire Wardens YouTube Channel
Vermont Town Forest Fire Warden Directory - Find Your warden
Resources for Vermont Town Forest Fire Wardens:
Vermont Fire Warden Portal and Wildland Fire Reporting System
- Vermont Online Wildland Fire Reporting System User Guide (.pdf)
- How to access and fill out a fire report instructional video
Backyard Burning - Resources from the Department of Environmental Conservation's Air Quality and Climate Division
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation - Environmental Enforcement and Online Environmental Violation Report Form
Request VT Forests, Parks & Recreation assistance for ongoing wildfire
Vermont Town Forest Fire Warden Handbook
Fire Warden FAQ Page
Town Forest Fire Warden Quick Links
The Town Fire Warden System was established in 1904 to give the responsibility of forest fire prevention and suppression to each individual town under the authority of a town Fire Warden. Fire Wardens are appointed by the Commissioner of Forests, Parks and Recreation, with the approval of the town Selectboard, and serve a 5-year term or the balance of any former Warden’s term, with an unlimited number of reappointments possible (subject to approval by the Commissioner or designee, see Title 10 VSA Chapter 83 §2641).
Numerous Wardens are directly in charge of fire suppression in their town. However, it is an accepted practice that most towns designate their town fire department to engage in fire suppression. When a fire department receives a wildland fire call, regardless of the caller, the fire department is considered officially summoned by the town Fire Warden. It is also recognized that town Fire Wardens often delegate some of their authority to fire department chiefs so that fire suppression efforts are more responsive. Ultimately, town Fire Wardens have complete authority and jurisdiction over wildland fire suppression activities in their towns.