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Wood Warms

Over a third of Vermonters rely on burning firewood to heat their homes. Winter can be unforgiving in Vermont; the Wood Warms program is crucial in supporting Vermonters in need with heating assistance. 

About Wood Warms: 

Wood Warms is an initiative operated by the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, aiming to bridge the gap for those facing barriers to keeping their homes warm. By harnessing the potential of timber harvesting on state-owned lands, this program addresses the need for a sustainably produced and affordable source of firewood. 

Why Firewood Matters: 

For many Vermonters, firewood is not just a source of warmth; it's a lifeline during the chilly winter months. Recognizing this, Wood Warms focuses on providing a reliable supply of firewood to those who need it the most. 

How it Works: 

Wood Warms partners with Vermont's state-owned lands, utilizing responsibly harvested timber to promote forest health and resilience. We enhance sustainability by incorporating Wood Warms donations into planned harvests, benefiting both the environment and local communities. This harvested wood is then processed and distributed to local organizations specializing in providing heating assistance. These organizations, in turn, ensure that the firewood reaches the homes of those who require help staying warm. 

Benefits of the Wood Warms Program: 

  • Community Support: Wood Warms utilizes responsibly harvested timber from Vermont's state-owned lands to support forest health and local resilience. By incorporating Wood Warms donations into scheduled harvests, we promote sustainability and community pride in supporting local consumption and assisting those in need. 
  • Sustainability: Wood Warms uses timber harvesting on state-owned lands to ensure that the firewood people use comes from sustainable forestry practices that keep Vermont’s forests healthy and resilient.
  • Financial Relief: Vermonters in need often face tough choices during winter. Wood Warms alleviates financial burdens by providing a cost-effective heating solution. 


Are you a Wood Bank interested in receiving wood?  

FPR staff periodically invites potential recipient organizations to sign up for notifications of available wood. Interested organizations can ask to be added to the list for notifications of available wood. Before being added, FPR staff will confirm that the interested recipient will utilize donated firewood only for free heating assistance to Vermonters in need. Reach out to State Lands Manager, Jim Duncan for more information.

The following information will be gathered: 

  • Name of the organization 

  • Primary contact name 

  • Primary contact email address 

  • Primary contact phone number 

  • County/counties served 

  • Location(s) of receiving yards. 

  • Expected annual volume of wood requested