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Flood Resources

Victory State Forest

Concord, Granby, Lunenburg, and Victory, Essex County 16,272 Acres

Tree at Victory State Forest

General Description: Much of Victory State Forest was acquired from lumber or paper companies and has a long history of management for timber products. Remnants of sawmills still remain within the forest. The forest is managed mainly for timber and wildlife habitat. 

Recreation Overview: Victory State Forest is open to dispersed recreation such as hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing, snowmobiling, hiking, snowshoeing, and horseback riding. Portions of the forest are open for primitive camping. VAST trails run through the property and the Vermont Horse Council assists in the management of a multi-use trail open to horseback riding. Gravel roads within the forest are open for horseback riding as well as biking.

Planning Overview: The original long range management plan for Victory State Forest was written in 1994. The process to update that plan began in 2013 and Victory State Forest was added to the Victory Management Unit along with Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area and Darling State Park. Public meetings were held to gather comments on the draft long range management plan. On June 1, 2017 the Victory Management Unit Long Range Management Plan was signed. Follow the link below to review the final plan. 

Any questions about this parcel? Please contact:  St. Johnsbury District Office  802-751-0110