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Temporary Wooden Skidder Bridges

Portable skidder bridges are now widely accepted as a best management practice for controlling non-point source pollution associated with timber harvesting operations. When properly installed, used, and removed, skidder bridges minimize stream bank and stream bed disturbance as compared with alternative devices, such as culverts or poled fords. Portable skidder bridges are also economical because they are reusable, easy to install, and can be transported from job to job. In addition, these bridges reduce the occurrence of sedimentation, channeling, and any degradation of aquatic habitat, while allowing loggers to harvest timber in compliance with The Acceptable Management Practices (AMPs) for Maintaining Water Quality on Logging Jobs in Vermont.

The use of portable skidder bridges are increasingly popular with loggers, forest landowners, and consulting foresters who realize their environmental and economic benefits. The Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation is promoting and demonstrating the use of portable bridge designs on timber harvesting operations throughout Vermont. Loggers have the opportunity to use portable skidder bridges by participating in the program.  To get more information on the the program click the link below:


Portable Wooden Skidder Bridge Design and Specifications: