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Family Philo Day & Celebrating 100 Years!

Come bring a picnic and celebrate 100 years of Mt. Philo State Park with us on August 10th! Listen to the “Secret History of Mt. Philo” with Judy Chaves, join one of the guided hikes with Stephen Wright and Peter Hope to learn more about the geology and botany of the mountain, or join us at the summit to hear Walter Poleman describe, “What We are Looking At” from the main viewpoint. Think you know a lot about Philo? Put your knowledge to the test at our “Philo, Trivia” event. Come listen to tunes from the local Remember Baker band to end the day. Smokey the Bear will be making appearances throughout the morning.

Events free with park entry. Signups required for the guided hikes due to limited capacity.

Schedule of events

  • 9am-11am: Stephen Wright leading a guided hike (geology). Max capacity 30 people. Sign up for geology hike.
  • 9am, 11am and 1pm: Smokey the Bear making an appearance at the summit
  • 10am-11am: Peter Hope leading a guided hike (botany). Max capacity 18 people. Sign up for botany hike. 11am-12pm: Judy Chaves giving presentation in the lodge (history)
  • 12pm-1pm: Walter Poleman giving presentation at the summit viewpoint 
  • 1pm: Philo Trivia! Pavilion at lodge
  • 2pm-4pm: Remember Baker Band in the lodge 
  • 4pm: Happy birthday song to Philo! At the summit


Start Date
August 10, 2024 - 9:00 AM
End Date
August 10, 2024 - 4:00 PM