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Lands Management Planning

Image removed.On behalf of the State of Vermont, the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) manages state-owned land for a variety of purposes, ranging from the protection of important natural resources to public uses of land.  The Agency of Natural Resources plans for the management of its state-owned lands through the development of long-range management plans (LRMP).  Planning processes are important for guiding the allocation of resources, such as where and what types of recreation occur, where and how timber is harvested, and the management of wildlife habitats.  A comprehensive planning process is critical when such diverse interests are at stake.

The Planning Process

Long-range management plans are a complex undertaking, involving the collection and analysis of a great deal of information including scientific assessments and input from the public.   The plans include the following components:

  • resource inventories
  • goal setting
  • public involvement
  • implementation strategies and actions
  • monitoring and evaluation

Public Involvement

The purpose of public involvement is not to institute majority-rule management of public land.  However, in developing management plans, every effort will be made to include suggestions which are compatible with the ANR and its department's missions; compatible with ANR lands management principles and goals; and which are fiscally realistic.  The ANR will explain the extent to which public comments influence ANR lands management activities.  Explanations may include a summary of how public comments were or were not incorporated into management plans.


Each of the ANR's five district offices prepare Annual Stewardship Plans (ASPs) which describe all planned stewardship activities for ANR lands in the district for the upcoming year. The annual stewardship plan includes activities from all current LRMPs based on the timing of activities as identified in the plan, the availability of staff and/or funding to accomplish LRMP goals, and/or to respond to new conditions on the ground provided they are consistent with existing LRMPs. In addition to complying with all statutes, regulations, policies, procedures, conservation easements, deed restrictions and permit requirements, annual stewardship plans undergo a thorough review by resource specialists and leadership from the Agency of Natural Resources. For more information about a particular annual stewardship plan, please contact the District Office responsible for managing those ANR lands you are interested in. Learn more about the lands managed by each district here.