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Permit to Kindle Fire “Special Conditions”

How are additional conditions written on the permit enforceable? 

Submitted by john.sears@ver… on

If “special written conditions” are written on the permit, they become part of the permit and are enforceable.  Violation of the conditions of the permit would result in the permit being invalid, essentially the same as burning without a permit.  A “Vermont Fire Prevention Ticket” could be issued for burning without a permit by the Fire Warden.  

What sort of “special conditions” can the Fire Warden write on the permit to kindle fire?   

Submitted by john.sears@ver… on

Examples of special conditions that could be written on the permit: Maximum wind speed, wind direction that would limit smoke to neighbors or embers toward structures, size of material, proximity to structures or other dry fuels, nighttime burning or not, other conditions from municipal ordinances.  If “special written conditions” are written on the permit, they become part of the permit and are enforceable.  

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Permit to Kindle Fire “Special Conditions”