Vermont wood banks support Vermonters in need with renewable free fuel. Heat on average is 10% of Vermonter's income. Wood banks lower the heating cost burden for demographics in need. The majority of wood is donated from private landowners, state lands, and/or purchased using program funds. Fuel-grade wood supports healthy forest management and the forest products industry. 80 cents of every dollar spent on wood stays in VT versus 22 cents for fossil fuels.
Using wood to heat our homes is a common practice for many Vermonters whether it be with cordwood or wood pellets. According to the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation’s Vermont Residential Fuel Assessment: 2014-2015, 38% of Vermont households burned wood for at least some of their space heating needs. Wood bank efforts support VT’s comprehensive renewable energy goal: 90% of total energy needs from renewables by 2050. 35% of thermal needs from wood energy by 2030.
Vermont Wood Bank Directory:
- The Upper Valley Wood Bank- Upper Valley Wood and Food Bank (
- Wood4Good Wood Bank- Home - Wood 4 Good (
- Lamoille Wood Bank- Firewood Program: United Way of Lamoille County (
- Monkton Wood Bank:
- Starksboro WoodBank- New Community Project VT Coordinator:
- Craftsbury Community Firewood Program:
Please contact us to have your wood bank added to the directory.
Firewood Donation Resources:
If you are a wood bank interested in receiving Vermont State Land Harvest Donations, Contact Jim Duncan, the Vermont State Lands Manager.
If you are a wood bank interested in receiving Vermont Land Trust Managed Land Donations- contact Caitlin Cusack, Vermont Land Trust Forester,
If you are not a wood bank and have general questions about wood banks and how they work, contact Molly Willard, the Wood Energy and Forest Products Specialist.
Firewood Processing Resources:
Vermont Youth Conservation Corp Forestry Work Crews- contact Bill Anderson, Forestry Crew Program Manager,
In The News:
Volunteers, Donations Keep Vermont's Wood Banks Sharing The Warmth Of Wood
Vermont Wood Banks Offer Neighborly Heating Assistance
Wood Warms
Wood Warms is an initiative operated by the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, aiming to bridge the gap for those facing financial constraints regarding keeping their homes warm. By harnessing the potential of timber harvesting on state-owned lands, this program addresses the need for a sustainably produced and affordable source of firewood. Learn More on the Wood Warms Page.