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Flood Resources

Mud Season

Mud Season in Vermont generally spans the 6-week period between snowmelt and Memorial Day. During this time, trails are easily damaged by use- increasing erosion, damaging soils and plants, and adding to maintenance costs. Give trails time to dry out.

To protect fragile soil and surrounding vegetation, some trails may be closed by the land manager during this time.  Please respect the signage you see

Hikers walking on saturated soils or on the sides of trails cause damage to surrounding vegetation, widen trails, and inhibit natural drainage of our beloved hiking trails. If a trail is muddy, even if it is not officially closed, please find an alternative area to hike in. If you want to help take care of the trails, contact the trail manager and consider volunteering.

Go to to see weekly trail conditions updates. If a parking lot is full, or too many people are gathered at a location, please find an alternative place to recreate.

Use the key below to help plan your next adventure:

Mud Season Trail Conditions


Open Trails are open. Soils are generally dry and there is low risk for damage to trails and nearby vegetation. Be prepared for changing conditions. 

Click Here to See Open Trails


Trails are open but be prepared to turn back if you encounter significant muddy and/or icy conditions- especially at higher elevations. Trailheads and south-facing slopes may be dry, but wet or icy conditions may persist at higher elevations, in cold hollows, and on north-facing slopes.

Click here to see Caution Trails


Trails are closed. Soils are wet from spring meltwater and lingering ice/snow and vegetation is easily damaged. Please consider other trail and recreation options until this trail dries out completely.

Click here to see closed trails

For information on Outdoor Recreation Ethics visit: