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Flood Resources

Mt. Philo State Park

Charlotte; Chittenden County 232 Acres

For more information about this unit please visit the web page:

General Description:

The 232-acres Mt. Philo State Park is located in the Champlain Valley town of Charlotte. Although just 968 feet in elevation Mt. Philo is significant with respect to the surrounding landscape. The natural setting - the forests, the cliffs, and the meadows are valued assets and the setting for the park’s recreational use. Views from the summit are spectacular and have long been an attraction of park visitors. It is a centerpiece of public land in the area and an important asset to the state, the region, and the town.

Unique Features:

Mt. Philo State Park has a rich history of recreational use with trails and carriage roads to the top and gazebos and vistas along the way. Early owners and neighbors were drawn to the mountain much the same as visitors today. In the 1930s, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) planted trees and built roads, trails, campground, ranger quarters, picnic area and the summit lodge.

Recreation Overview:

Mt. Philo State Park is most popular as a day-use destination for hiking and picnicking. There are 1.4 miles of trails on MPSP that can be hiked to explore the forests, view the cliff band at the center of the property or reach the summit and its expansive views of the surrounding landscape. A small campground and summit shelter are located near and at the summit, respectively. The park also hosts a 10-site camping area that receives modest use.

Planning Overview:

Drafted and reassessed periodically with collaboration among agency experts and public input, long-range management plans for ANR lands represent an important framework for providing responsible stewardship of public land. The Agency of Natural Resources recently developed a Long-range management plan (LRMP) for Mount Philo State Park. The Mt. Philo plan sets a long-term outline for management, but also takes into account the nature of this unique state park and incorporates some short-term considerations not typically included in other plans. Careful stewardship of Mt. Philo State Park supports a healthy forest that provides for a range of high-quality recreational activities, especially hiking; supports functioning natural communities; and strives for a careful balance and integration of public uses.

View the LRMP through the link below: