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Flood Resources

Kesick Swamp Wildlife Management Area

Sunderland; Bennington County 80 Acres

Kesick Swamp WMA

For more information about this unit please visit the web page:

General Description:

Kesick Swamp WMA is an 80-acre parcel of land owned by the State of Vermont and managed by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. The WMA is located in the Town of Sunderland just off Route 7 between Exits 3 and 4. Access to the WMA is through a 25-foot right-of-way at the end of Beaver Meadow Road.

Unique Features:

Kesick Swamp is an historic beaver pond meadow. The beaver dam is washed out and rebuilt periodically – a natural process. The wetland is a mix of cattails and scrub shrub emergent marsh with a fringe of alder, red maple and white pine. Beavers, mink, otters, raccoons, muskrats and white-tailed deer all utilize the habitat within the WMA. There have also been numerous sightings of moose and black bear. Birds including Great Blue herons, wood ducks, black ducks, hooded mergansers and red-winged blackbirds can also been seen in the WMA. Brook trout can be found in Cole Brook and Beaver Meadow Brook, as well as the beaver pond.

Recreation Overview:

Kesick Swamp WMA is open to regulated hunting, trapping and fishing. The wetland is also an excellent place to watch wildlife.