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Flood Resources

Firewood Quarantine

Rule Governing the Importation of Untreated Firewood into the State of Vermont

Explanation of why this rule is necessary:

The purpose of this rule is to protect forest health by preventing the long-distance movement of wood-borne invasive forest pests, such as Asian longhorned beetle and oak wilt, into Vermont.  Firewood cut to short lengths is a particular risk, because it is easier to transport long distances.

Concise summary:

This rule prohibits the importation of untreated firewood into Vermont. The definition of firewood states that it is wood processed for burning and less than 48 inches in length, but does not include wood chips, pellets, pulpwood, or wood for manufacturing purposes. It allows treated firewood to enter the state if it is treated to the USDA standard of 160° F (71.1° C) for at least 75 minutes at a certified treatment facility and is accompanied by certification of treatment. By written request, the Commissioner may waive this prohibition under conditions which ensure that the firewood poses minimal threat to forest health. Violations may result in confiscation of firewood and/or a civil citation.