The Vermont Backcountry Ski Handbook was developed with input from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation, the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, the US Forest Service, and the Catamount Trail Association. It covers natural resource and social considerations, building partnerships with public and private land managers, delineating backcountry zones, and outlines the process for implementation, construction, and maintenance. It’s a complete how-to guide for creating high quality, sustainable backcountry ski terrain in a cooperative fashion with forest land managers.
By emphasizing a common language around ski zones, The Vermont Backcountry Ski Handbook will not only help land managers better administer their land for backcountry users, it will also help skiers and riders better understand and appreciate the concerns of land managers. This greater understanding between stakeholders should lead to stronger, more cooperative relationships.
While every new location will have its own specific considerations, The Vermont Backcountry Ski Handbook creates a broad foundation for backcountry terrain development anywhere backcountry skiing is possible!
The Vermont Backcountry Ski Handbook.pdf